General information

The International Chair in Blockchain for Cybersecurity, ‘CyberChain’, coordinated by the Spanish National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) and the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca, launches on 11 December the course ‘Circular economy and technology: Blockchain and cybersecurity for a sustainable future’.

It is a free online training that will be available on the e4you course platform for anyone interested. Disruptive technologies can be especially useful to achieve a sustainable and inclusive world, implementing the circular economy paradigm. In this context, blockchain has emerged as one of the most powerful alternatives for the introduction of such platforms in the real world.

The course aims to provide a complete learning experience, where students can link theory, practice and critical analysis. The content is divided into five blocks and a final prototyping workshop:

  • Block 1: Circular economy: principles, barriers and limitations.
  • Block 2: Inclusivity and sustainability.
  • Block 3: Application of the circular economy in technological sectors.
  • Block 4: Blockchain and sustainability.
  • Block 5: Cybersecurity and sustainability.
  • Final workshop: Design of the main interface for an energy optimisation application with blockchain.

Those interested in attending the training can register for free by clicking on this link. They will also receive a certificate of attendance.


  • Introduction and Key Concepts. Importance of the Circular Economy, Sustainability, and Inclusivity
  • Circular Economy. Principles, Barriers, and Limitations
  • Economic Impact and Opportunities
  • Circular Economy in Spain. WEEE and Waste Law
  • Circular Economy in Europe. The European Green Deal
  • Directive (EU) 2022/2464
  • Circular Economy Laws in Other Countries
  • Renewable Energies and Clean Technologies
  • New Technologies for Promoting Renewable Energies
  • Business Models Based on the Circular Economy
  • Innovations in Sustainable Materials
  • Principles and Functioning of Smart Contracts
  • Tools and Languages for Smart Contract Development
  • Development of Smart Contracts in Solidity
  • Implementation Example
  • Hyperledger Besu for Blockchain Development
  • Metamask for Blockchain Development
  • Truffle for Blockchain Development
  • Remix for Blockchain Development
  • DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, and Verifiable Presentations
Register now!


3 months
1 hour per week

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