All e4you courses can be taken at your own pace. However, we provide information about the duration (in weeks, months or years) and dedication (learning load, or hours of dedication of the student estimated to successfully complete the course; measured in hours per week) foreseen.

Except for courses with a fixed period or deadline (i.e. courses that provide, for example, an opening date, a closing date or both), the duration and dedication should be understood as indicative values.

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"The validation of the digital certificates of completion is done directly with the Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca, whoever wants to validate it can contact them through the mail with the code and the Fundación General will confirm the validation".

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There are courses for which the certificates do not have start and end dates; or they do, but they do not correspond to the dates in which the student takes the course. Is it a mistake?

No. It is not.

To fulfill the desires of the students, and to facilitate the recognition of the diplomas, whenever possible, fixed start and end dates will appear on the certificates, particularly on the so-called "Certificates of Completion".

However, this will depend on the criteria for such certification, which will be expressly communicated by e4you or, if applicable, by the course owner, partner or collaborator. All this is part of the General Conditions offered by e4you courses to its users, including the exercise of the right of return or withdrawal, in compliance with the regulations.

What dates feature on the certificates?

The start date will be the opening date of the course or module.

The closing date will usually be 21 days after the start date for courses that last for up to 3 weeks. For courses of longer duration (e.g., certificates of completion in which the completion of several courses or a long-term course is accredited), the closing date is the date agreed by e4you's collaborating authors or partners and communicated to e4you.

Why are specific dates defined, couldn't they be the ones in which I took the course?

The start date will be the opening date of the course or module.

The closing date will usually be 21 days after the start date for courses that last for up to 3 weeks. For courses of longer duration (e.g., certificates of completion in which the completion of several courses or a long-term course is accredited), the closing date is the date agreed by e4you's collaborating authors or partners and communicated to e4you.

Why are specific dates defined, couldn't they be the ones in which I took the course?

There are at least two reasons why the dates cannot be the dates on which each user takes the course.

First and foremost, a recognized course or program, whether professional, academic or otherwise, usually follows a process of approval (and when the time comes, of subsequent renewal). Time periods are defined for these processes. The times and deadlines issued on the certificates must be adjusted to the times of the defined processes for each course or program, in order to comply with the acquired recognition.

Secondly, setting specific dates simplifies the process of issuing certificates, thereby reducing the management costs involved. In particular, this allows e4you to offer its users certificates of achievement at competitive prices and within everyone's reach, which is the very core of our project and as such defines us

Why don't I see any dates on my certificate of completion?

Firstly, most of the courses offered at e4you are MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), i.e., open online training, are often asynchronous in nature. As such, asynchronous courses can go without dates, as they could be held at any time.

Secondly, e4you's collaborating authors and partners have the right to decide on the content of the certificates issued for each of the courses. As indicated above and as stated in the General Terms and Conditions, the certification criteria will be expressly communicated by e4you or, if applicable, by the collaborator, partner or owner of the course.

Before deciding whether or not to request a certificate, e4you users may access the certificate model for each of the offered courses, and thus check the basic information the certificate will feature.              

certificate; certificate of attendance; certificate of completion; dates
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Any user of e4you services has the right to modify the personal data included on their profile. To do so, you must send a request to and specify the changes, make sure to:

1. Send us the email from the same email account with which you have signed up for the e4you Campus.
2. You must specify what personal details you wish to modify and what these changes are.
3. You must provide a copy of an official document (national identity card, passport or equivalent) that validates your identity.

Why is it important that the user uses their real first and last name?

When registering for e4you courses, some users sometimes make a mistake when filling in the name and surname fields. These data are used for the issuance of certificates, so they must be corrected before requesting their certificate.

Why is the user not allowed to modify his/her name and surname directly on the e4you Campus?

It is not allowed because there are authentication, testing and verification requirements for users registered on the e4you Campus. It is an integral part of a set of standard measures taken to ensure that your data is corrected or deleted lawfully and only when it is inaccurate.

We must remember that the falsification of data and impersonation is a crime, and that any user of e4you agrees to comply with the Legal Notice and Code of Ethics, the General Conditions and the Privacy Policy of our products and services.

e4you campus; user profile; change name and surname; name and surname
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Many thanks for your interest in e4you's courses.

For a person of 15 years old, no authorization is required and therefore they can sign up under their own name (the age limit is 14 years old, according to the current regulations. Specifically, Article 13.1 of the LOPD Regulation).

For a person of 13 years of age, we do need you to send us, please:

1. An " Underage Consent " (you can use the Underage Consent form), along with
2. A copy of the ID card, passport or equivalent document of the parent/guardian signing the authorization.
3. Copy of the document that proves the legally attributed parental authority.

The documentation can be sent to us with an electronic signature addressed to You can also send it by mail to the address shown in the attached authorization form.

Once we have received and checked the documentation, we will confirm that you can proceed with the enrolment, using the minor's data (but indicating that he/she is over 14 years old on the e4you campus enrolment form, so that the system accepts it), in such a way that the certificates are issued with the minor's name and surname when completing the courses.

Best regards,
e4YOU team

e4you campus; user registration; underage; authorization; under 14 years old
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Firstly, we are sorry for the inconvenience. This does not usually happen.

We have checked with the e4you technical department, we believe that the most common problem is not caused by the app of the e4you course platform, i.e., Nor is it the campus. The origin of the most common problem is an internal issue caused by the user-defined settings on their mobile phones. Although we do not have specific information about the problem, there may be two possible solutions:

(1) Check the permissions granted to the application on the mobile phone.

(2) Check if the previous version of the application is installed on your mobile phone (i.e. Noixion MOOCs). If so, it would be advisable to uninstall both and reinstall the latest version only.

Nevertheless, it is not possible to offer a single answer to this problem. We suggest that you please send screenshots of the error and relevant information (such as language, software version, device, etc.) to to help us identify the access problem. The technical department can then try to recreate the error. And in this way, we will be able to help you.

Thank you for your understanding and for the information you have provided in order to improve e4you for everyone.

We apologize again for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

e4you team

e4you app; problems; access problems
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There is a pedagogical reason for this: the courses are programmed to open up the contents of the course gradually. The aim is to give rise to debate - in the forums - on the previous topics, and to give time for reflection. This is the difference between an online course in which you can ask questions to the lecturers in the videos, to your fellow students, etc. and a course in which you just watch videos. The same can be said about course materials or evaluation questionnaires (tests). All courses offered on e4you follow an educational model. That is the reason.

We understand that some of you, as students of the courses and programs, may be impatient to move ahead. A good sign that the course is interesting, don't you think?


educational model; scheduled opening of videos; participation in forums; discussions; complementary resources.

instructional model; scheduled opening of videos; participation in forums; discussions; additional resources
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