General information

This course is part of C1b3rwall Academy.

  • This training action is divided into various sections covering the most relevant and up-to-date topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applicable to security. Starting from an introductory level, progressing to advanced developments, and concluding with real practical examples, we will begin with "AI and Data Analysis" (i.e., the statistical foundations and data science applied to AI), followed by the basics of "Generative AI" and its vast possibilities. These fundamentals will allow us to understand the impact and subsequent applications of "AI in Cybersecurity" (with key references on "AI application in cybersecurity and cyber defense"; "deepfakes and phishing"; and "legal aspects of AI"), before exploring various "Practical Cases" and developing "Workshops," thus completing a comprehensive training in Fundamentals of AI in Cybersecurity.
  • All students who follow the course will receive a “Certificate of Attendance” in digital format from the BISITE Research Group  at the University of Salamanca, Air Institute Foundation and the IoT Digital Innovation Hub, at no cost. Those who wish to obtain a diploma of aptitude or “Certificate of Completion” from the BISITE Research Group, General Foundation of the University of Salamanca and University of Salamanca, IoT Digital Innovation Hub and Air Institute Foundation, may also request it in digital or printed format.
  • In this course, you will complete your training in "Fundamentals of AI in Cybersecurity" with extraordinary content, guided by professionals and experts in the field.


  • "Bienvenida a C1b3rWall Academy con Fundamentos del Ciberpolicía en IA"
    Casimiro Nevado
  • "Introducción IA"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Introducción a la IA y la analítica visual"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Software Orange"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Deep Intelligence Fundamentos y analítica visual"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Jupyter Fundamentos y analítica visual"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Conclusión Fundamentos y análitica visual"
    Guillermo Hernández
  • "Aprendizaje supervisado"
    Cristina Santa Cruz González
  • "Clasificación"
    María Alonso García
  • "Regresión"
    Cristina Santa Cruz González
  • "Ejemplo de regresión"
    María Alonso García
  • "Introducción Deep"
    Juan Herranz Martín
  • "Perceptron"
    Juan Herranz Martín
  • "Deepint Deep"
    Juan Herranz Martín
  • "CNNRNN"
    Juan Herranz Martín
  • "Conclusión Deep"
    Juan Herranz Martín
  • "Introducción al aprendizaje no supervisado"
    María Alonso García
  • "Clustering"
    María Alonso García
  • "Reglas de asociación"
    María Alonso García
  • "Reducción dimensional PCA"
    María Alonso García
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer I"
    Pablo Chamoso
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II"
    Pablo Chamoso
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer III"
    Pablo Chamoso
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer IV"
    Pablo Chamoso
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II.I"
    Raúl García
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II.II"
    Raúl García
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II.III"
    Raúl García
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II.IV"
    Raúl García
  • "GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer II.V"
    Raúl García
  • "Uso de CHATGPT y sus potencialidades I"
    Samuel Alonso
  • "Uso de CHATGPT y sus potencialidades II"
    Samuel Alonso
  • "Introducción Llama 2"
    Juan Manuel Núñez
  • "Demostración Llama 2"
    Juan Manuel Núñez
  • "Aplicaciones de la IA en ciberseguridad ciberdefensa I"
    Enrique Cubeiro
  • "Aplicaciones de la IA en ciberseguridad ciberdefensa II"
    Enrique Cubeiro
  • "Aplicaciones de la IA en ciberseguridad ciberdefensa III"
    Enrique Cubeiro
  • "Aplicaciones de la IA en ciberseguridad ciberdefensa IV"
    Enrique Cubeiro
  • "Deepfakes y phishing, las nuevas reglas del juego I"
    Fran Ramírez
  • "Deepfakes y phishing, las nuevas reglas del juego II"
    Fran Ramírez
  • "Los modelos de IA también se debe auditar y es importante I"
    Fran Ramírez
  • "Los modelos de IA también se debe auditar y es importante II"
    Fran Ramírez
  • "IA y privacidad; la sostenibilidad legal del machine learning"
    Sandra Ordoñez
  • "El uso de la IA como herramienta de desinformación"
    Celia María Moliner Vicente
  • "Comprensión básica de los Grandes Modelos del Lenguaje a través del código
    Samuel Ramírez de Mera
  • "Potenciando la seguridad: desarrollo y entrenamiento de un sistema de analítica de vídeo para la detección automática de personas en imágenes de videovigilancia"
    José María Castillo Secilla
  • Próximamente.


Samuel Alonso García

AIR Institute

María Alonso García

José María Castillo Secilla

Pablo Chamoso


Enrique Cubeiro


Raúl García

AIR Institute

Guillermo Hernández


Juan Herranz Martín

Casimiro Nevado

Inspector Policía Nacional. Profesor Escuela Nacional de Policía. Moderador.

Juan Manuel Nuñez


Sandra Ordóñez

Secure IT

Samuel Ramírez

Fran Ramírez Vicente


Cristina Santa Cruz González


Using the "Philosophy and Technology" module from C1b3rWall Academy as an example:

Attendance Certificate:


Completion Certificate:

(price for 1 module or 30 hours certificate)

Completion Certificate:
online and printed

Certificate price + 20€
(shipping within Spain)

Completion Certificate:
online and printed

Certificate price + 42€
(shipping outside of Spain)

Completion Certificate:
online, printed, apostille

Certificate price + 85€
(shipping within Spain)

Completion Certificate:
online, printed, apostille

Certificate price + 110€
(shipping outside of Spain)

Important information:

  • To obtain the Diploma, it is necessary to have viewed at least 70% of the content and pass the quizzes.
  • The Diploma will be received upon completion of the course.
  • The course lasts 65 hours of instruction.
Register now!


4,5 months
4 and a half hours per week