General information

Closing: December 20, 2024

Registration closed

This course studies the basic techniques of artificial intelligence from the point of view of data science, that is, as a mechanism for extracting knowledge and providing value from such data. The main objectives of the course are the following:

  • To become familiar with the different paradigms of machine learning.
  • To learn the principles of visual analytics as a complement to the data analysis process.
  • To learn how to use various tools to create machine learning models in a practical way.
  • Understand the fundamentals of supervised models, including classification and regression models.
  • Understand the fundamentals of some of the most widely used unsupervised learning algorithms.
  • Understand some modern neural network models and their applications. Suitable graduation profiles for the content of the course are data scientist, data engineer or artificial intelligence engineer, among others.

Manual structured in different sections for progressive learning, complementary explanatory videos.

  • Russell, S. J., y Norvig, P. (2004). Inteligencia Artificial: un enfoque moderno. Pearson.
  • Hastie, T. et al. (2001). The elements of statistical learning. 2001.
  • Bishop, C. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. Springer.
  • Tufte, E. (1973). The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press USA
  • Tufte, E. R., Goeler, N. H., & Benson, R. (1990). Envisioning information (Vol. 2). Cheshire, CT: Graphics press.


  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 1min
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 25min
    "Introducción a la IA y la analítica visual"
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 9min
    "Software Orange"
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 12min
    "Deep Intelligence"
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 12min
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 1min
    Guillermo Hernández, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 3min
    "Aprendizaje supervisado"
    Cristina Santa Cruz González, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 11min
    Cristina Santa Cruz González, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 32min
    Cristina Santa Cruz González, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 13min
    "Ejemplo Regresión"
    Cristina Santa Cruz González, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 3min
    "Introducción al aprendizaje no supervisado"
    María Alonso García, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 6min
    María Alonso García, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 10min
    "Reglas de asociación"
    María Alonso García, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 14min
    "Reducción dimensional PCA"
    Cristina Santa Cruz González, BISITE
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 3min
    "Introducción al Deep Learning"
    Juan Herranz Martín, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 6min
    Juan Herranz Martín, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 5min
    Juan Herranz Martín, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 5min
    Juan Herranz Martín, AIR
  • Conferencia magistral Duración: 1min
    Juan Herranz Martín, AIR


María Alonso García

Guillermo Hernández


Juan Herranz Martín

Cristina Santa Cruz González



3 months