This program is split into 2 parts. The first one contains 7 sessions about “How to Make Money”. In the second part, for those interested in Corporate Social Responsibility, students get to pick 1 of four tracks.
1. Market research and how to find financial information. For Free
Why did you pick this class? Reputation? Cost? Referral? That is the first question I ask students. That’s what market research is. How can you make financial research, for free, using the best tools the most sophisticated investors have? How do you become a shareholder? How much does it cost? How do you ask questions that make a difference.
2. Headcount and why firms hire contractors Nowadays, services are the main economic activity. Even if you produce cosmetics, your highest cost is people, not making the skincare cream. For Google, Facebook, or the place where you get your hair cut, people, is the key ingredient. And yet we don’t teach that in school, maybe in HR, but definitely not in marketing, or finance. That is the first thing I teach my students.
Join me to learn
3. Inflation and Pricing
Inflation and Pricing. If inflation was 6% and you got a 3% salary increase, did you really get a salary increase? In New York salaries are 56% higher than in El Paso, Texas. Should we sell our products at the same price. Let’s learn about inflation and pricing.
4. Profit and Loss. How to read it and use it. A profit and loss, or income statement. What can you use it for as an investor, employee, or business owner? How do you read a Profit & Loss? How do you make a Profit & Loss? Let’s learn a super-easy way to read any P&L, from any company, in any industry, and make sense of it.
5. Balance Sheet. How to read it and use it.
A Balance Sheet. What is that? How can you use a Balance Sheet as an investor, employee, or business owner? Let’s learn a super-easy way to read any Balance Sheet, from any company, in any industry, and make sense of it.
6. Foreign Exchange and Sales growth
What is foreign exchange? If the impact is seven times greater than inflation, why don’t most executives understand it? Let’s learn how foreign exchange ruined the present Luis was going to get his girlfriend, Jenny. As well as how Jenny was able to reduce her cost, thanks to foreign exchange. We will also learn how to buy and sell, to eliminate foreign exchange risk.
Why did sales increase? Saying “sales grew 10%” is not good enough. People know how to read themselves. Let’s learn how to explain management, investors and ourselves, why sales grew so that we can make better decisions.
7. How to become a millionaire saving $4 a day.
How can we become millionaires by saving $4/day? Should we invest in a pension plan? Should we buy an apartment? By a car or use Uber? Buy a washing machine or take it to the laundry? Buy a $500 espresso machine or go to Starbucks? Let’s learn about compound interest, 401K and pension plans, return on investment, payback, break-even, and net present value. We will use real-life examples and learn how to evaluate all these and any financial calculations. You won’t need a calculator
Elective tracks to focus on. After the seven sessions, students focus on one of the following areas, and create a business solution for it.
How you will learn: Active learning. All sessions are highly interactive. Participants make 10 business decisions per session. The lectures are structured to encourage discussion. Each session, students apply what they have learned through assignments or debates. In the first session, students learn how to become a millionaire saving $5 a day. In session two, students recommend which customers to prioritize when there is limited stock during a pandemic. In the third session, students learn about inflation and implement price increases. They also decide whether to use local, national, or global price lists for their business. Join me to learn these among other helpfull things I teach my students.
Formación básica [B] , cursos obligatorios [O] , cursos optativos [Op]
George is an excellent speaker, who can take complex financial topics and explain them in a clear and understandable way. He's a global executive and an entrepreneur with broad expertise, His conversational presentation style effectively communicated the content in a relaxed and calm manner. I wish that all of the people who report to me (and all of the people to whom I report) had the knowledge and capability that George exhibited.
Fred Stein
Senior Project Manager
George is a terrific presenter. For 90 minutes, he captivated a large conference room of senior executives with various titles. He was very informative and entertaining. He leaves everybody wanting more.
Chris Wallace
Managing Director
George is an amazing speaker, who can take complex financial topics and explain them in a really easy way. He is a global excutive with broad expertise that can motivate an audience quickly, and he did so with me and many of the people around me! I especially enjoyed his passion for treating people fairly, which is not something I see a lot of in business. Thank you George!
Mary Verrone
Global Organizational IT Change Management Strategist
(Fuente: Linkedin)
Los Certificados de Profesionalidad para Ejecutivos por parte de los líderes empresariales y las mejores universidades, buscan satisfacer las necesidades de formación de las personas para adquirir las competencias profesionales más demandadas en la actualidad.
Todos los certificados se podrán solicitar en los formatos disponibles en
En este programa podrás obtener tres tipos de certificaciones:
Executive Diploma o ‘Diploma Avanzado’: certificado general o global de superación de un programa o titulación. Para obtener este certificado es necesario:
Haber completado la formación básica [B] y aprobado todos los cursos obligatorios [O] y al menos un curso optativo [Op] de especialización.
Haber adquirido todos los certificados de superación de los cursos obligatorios [O] y al menos uno de los cursos optativos [Op].
Diploma de bloque (o ‘BLOC © Diploma’): Certificado de superación de todos los cursos de un bloque o ‘pack’ de cursos.
Para obtener este diploma será necesario haber aprobado los cursos incluidos dentro del bloque formativo y adquirido sus certificados de superación.
Certificado de curso: Certificado de superación de un curso. Para obtener este certificado será necesario visualizar al menos el 70% del temario y superar las actividades definidas de evaluación del curso (cuestionarios, entrega de trabajos, …). Dentro del curso encontrarás toda la información requerida.
Cada curso del programa ofrece su propio certificado. Se utiliza como ejemplo el certificado de uno de los cursos.
Todos los alumnos de esta formación obtendrán un certificado de beca por cada curso de pago. Para obtener la certificación es necesario haber visualizado al menos el 70% del temario y superar los cuestionarios y/o entrega de trabajos. El diploma se recibirá al finalizar la formación.
Sesiones en directo
Gratuito + 500€ 99€*
*80% beca, precio por curso
Introducción y Uso Operativo de "Avatares"
Administración y Funciones Avanzadas de "Avatares"
Emprendimiento y economía basada en economía digital, blockchain, IA y tokenización
IA generativa aplicada a la economía digital, blockchain y tokenización
Economía digital, blockchain y tokenización
Inteligencia Artificial Generativa. De la teoría de la práctica.
Smart Cities
Hacia una ciudad inteligente
Introducción a la programación con Python
Fabricación digital
Smartcities - Storage network and communication protocols
The Smart Cities Definition
Introducción a las plataformas Blockchain