Open Access (OA) is the movement that promotes the "free availability, via the Internet, of scientific literature, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full text of these articles, to crawl them for indexing, to transform them into data for inclusion in software, and to use them for any other legitimate purpose, without any financial, legal or technical impediment" (Budapest Declaration, 2002). This course will introduce the Open Access Methodology, several databases and repositories, harvesters and search engines. Then, it will provide some guidelines on how to publish on Open Access and the types of licenses for sharing your work under Creative Commons. Lastly, an introduction to Open Data and how to easily create a CKAN portal.
A series of videos introducing and developing concepts, methods, tools, etc., on the topics of Open Access and Open Science. A true/false questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge acquired.
Principios y usos de la Inteligencia Artificial y la IA Generativa en las Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción y Uso Operativo de "Avatares"
Administración y Funciones Avanzadas de "Avatares"
Emprendimiento y economía basada en economía digital, blockchain, IA y tokenización
IA generativa aplicada a la economía digital, blockchain y tokenización
Economía digital, blockchain y tokenización
Inteligencia Artificial Generativa. De la teoría de la práctica.
Smart Cities
Hacia una ciudad inteligente
Introducción a la programación con Python
Fabricación digital
Smartcities - Storage network and communication protocols
The Smart Cities Definition
Introducción a las plataformas Blockchain
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